Name/TitleChemical: Faulding Castor Oil
About this objectNarrow brown glass bottle with rusted screw-on metal cap. 1/6 of the contents remain. The printed label, yellowed with oil, details in part "Faulding's Tasteless Castor Oil, ‘Oleum Ricini Insipidum’, ‘pure and free from taste and odour." "Dose for adults one to two tablespoonful, for children one to three teaspoonful" "For Internal Use" ' "the safest, surest and most generally valuable aperient known" ‘Contents 5 fluid ozs’.
MakerFaulding & Co
Maker RoleManufacturer
Date MadeCa 1950
Place MadeAustralia
Medium and Materialsglass, paper, metal, oil
Measurements19cm H x 4cm diameter base
Object TypeChemicals
Object numberAR#5481
Copyright LicenceAll rights reserved