The CALHN Health Museum volunteers assist in collecting, preserving and interpreting the Medical History of Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) institutions.

The CALHN Health Museum
The CALHN Health Museum has responsibility for the development, management, interpretation and display of the collection of historical artefacts, related to the history of hospital’s and health agencies within the CALHN network. These are:
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- SA Dental
- SA Pathology
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
- Glenside

Our Volunteer Services
The CALHN Health Museum Volunteers assist with a wide range of duties across our two office sites: Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre and The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. They work alongside the Health Museum team working in all areas from collection management, research and conservation to digitization.
The Collection consists of over 20,000 objects, stored and displayed at two main sites, at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre and at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. It is a substantial, diverse and comprehensive medical collection, spanning many decades from the 1840s to the present day.
Volunteers assist in preserving, collecting, cataloguing, photographing and storing items of historical significance.

Oral History
The CALHN Health Museum conducts oral histories on past and present CALHN staff members to help preserve the memories and experiences of CALHN Staff and keep them for future generations. Volunteers assist in interviewing, recording and transcribing of oral history interviews.
The CALHN Health Museum exhibits its collection both inhouse and out in the community. Volunteers routinely assist in displays and exhibitions, from research through to installation.

How to become a Museum Volunteer
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with the CALHN Health Museum, please contact either the Team Leader (see below) or register via the Volunteer Services Unit.
Phone: 8222 1444
Address: Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-235 Hampstead Road, LIGHTSVIEW SA 5085