Name/TitleChemical: Theobrom. Sodii Acetate.
About this objectGlass bottle labelled as containing Theobrom. Sodii Acetate. (Theobromine Sodium Acetate). Manufactured by A. M. Bickford & Sons, Limited, who were manufacturing chemists based at 42, 44 and 46 Currie Street, Adelaide.
Consists of a clear glass bottle, with paper label and cork lid. A small amount of white powder remains in the bottom of the bottle.
Kindly donated by Judy and Michael Rice.
MakerA M Bickford & Sons
Maker RoleManufacturer
Date Made1903-1930
Place MadeAdelaide, Australia
Medium and MaterialsGlass, paper, cork, chemical (powder)
MeasurementsL 11.5cm x Diameter 4.1cm
Object TypeChemicals
Object numberAR#13593
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