Recently the CALHN Health Museum collaborated with The Hospital Research Foundation – Creative Health to produce an exhibition titled The Happy Snaps and the Hospital Plans as part of South Australia’s History Festival 2023.
On display in the Creative Health Gallery at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre is a two part exhibition showcasing some of the CALHN historical collection.
The first part of the exhibition highlights the personal photo album of Kathleen ‘Kate’ Brown. Kate was a nurse who trained at the Royal Adelaide Hospital from 1947-1950. As part of this training she spent some time at the Northfield Infectious Diseases Hospital (What is now Hampstead Rehab Centre). This selection of photographs and pages from her album give a snapshot into this period of her training, highlighting her time living and working on the site.
The second part of the exhibition focuses on architectural drawings and photographs of some of the old Royal Adelaide Hospital buildings. These buildings, all long since demolished, highlight the hospital as it looked 100 or so years ago. It includes drawings of the second east wing, that housed the Light and Flinders Wards, as well as the original TB Clinic.
The Happy Snaps and the Hospital Plans is on display until the 5th of July, 2023. More information about this exhibition can be found on the THRF – Creative Health website.
Please note: As this exhibition is in a hospital setting all visitors must follow SA Health guidelines and visiting requirements of the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre.
Written by: Jonathan Hull, CALHN Health Museum